Using data and analytics to drive strategic decision making for a company
Scenario interviews help us assess your thought process, creativity, and comfort with ambiguity. At the same time, the scenarios represent real client engagements so they allow you to gain insight into the work we do.
Dot House of Fashion is a dynamic fashion retailer with a compelling blend of physical stores and a thriving online presence. Known for its cutting-edge designs and curated collections, the brand caters to fashion-forward individuals seeking the latest trends.
Data analytics play a pivotal role in Dot House of Fashion’s success. Foot traffic data from physical stores combined with online clickstreams provide insights into customer preferences and behavior. This data drives merchandise decisions, stocking strategies, and personalized marketing campaigns. Customer segmentation based on purchase history, style preferences, and online interactions helps tailor marketing efforts. Personalized emails, targeted ads, and exclusive promotions resonate with distinct customer segments, fostering brand loyalty. As a consultant, you are tasked with uncovering insights to shape the company's strategic decisions.